Welcome to my Mobile MVC portfolio site. This is an exploration of web development style and technique.
The web site is to show different development techniques and hopefully also be a little bit entertaining
doing that. It is planned as a hybrid MVC site, partly routed, partly URLs, ...because they said you could.
As always, it is still under construction, particularly now as my ISP did not update my server to .Net 4.51
when promised, so I had to redo the project in a rush.
Overall it is based on a complicated framework I have assembled that pulls together Responsive CSS and Javascript
with the User Agent String. (I am no longer using JQuery.mobile as it had a performance hit. I can think of cases
where it would be useful, but not just now.)
This page is a typical Bootstrap page. The current Seas page is image intensive and so is about methods for
dealing image size adjustment and bandwidth limitations. Responsive javascript offers a lot of
possibilities that CSS alone will not. The Cosmic Store is for testing solutions to data intensive presentation
problems typical of business requirements.
Most web sites are carefully crafted to have one consistant theme. This is different, because it is meant
to show many different styles and methods.
Please be patient as this is still ramping up some.
Some of the pages, such as the Seas page, use the User Agent String, so sizing them in your browser will not activate that responsive code. All major browsers either have the ability to emulate a Mobile User Agent String (IE and Safari) or have a plugin available to do it (FF and Chrome).
This is not fully completed yet, but it is basically an eCommerce site to test methods for common data and business UI requirements. There are common challenges that a web site must solve for data intensive sites. It should also be good for a smile.
This section is for demonstrating a variety of javascript techniques including a number of libraries. I do like to stick with Jquery where I can, because of the ecosystem, but use other libraries when needed.
It is not just about UI Development. I can do an awful lot on the backend, including set up the servers for the database and web server, collect requirements, recommend solutions, design the system, develop the parts and release the product.
My hobby is writing about the ocean. This section is to explore some methods for displaying more aesthetic content. It uses Responsive CSS and also the User Agent String makes it use lazy loading of the images for mobile.